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植物种在群落多样性格局组建过程中所起的作用一直是生态学重点关注的问题。2010 年在吉林蛟河建立面 积为21.12 hm2 的近熟林监测样地,样地中记录到DBH 1 cm 木本植物32 405 株, 共计50 种木本植物。利用单物 种-面积关系模型分析了样地内30 种木本植物对局域群落多样性格局的影响,利用完全空间随机化模拟计算植物 对局域多样性促进或抑制的显著性程度。研究结果表明:1)由于ISAR 模型没有考虑竞争的非对称性,在相同取样 面积下,同一树种的mISAR 值普遍低于ISAR 值。不同树种的mISAR 曲线更加分散、区分度更为明显,且具有明显 的尺度依赖性。2)在0 ~50 m 空间尺度上,簇毛槭、黑樱桃、翅卫矛、稠李、大果榆、花楷槭、毛榛和青楷槭为多样性 促进种;水榆为中性种;红松、色木槭、胡桃楸在绝大多数空间尺度上表现为抑制种;其余树种绝大多数在小尺度上 表现为促进种。3)在中小尺度上,促进种决定了局域群落多样性格局组建; 在较大尺度上,促进种和中性种共同作 用于群落多样性格局的组建,并且随机过程的影响相对更强。因此,促进种和抑制种所代表的确定性过程与中性 种所代表的随机过程共同作用于森林群落多样性格局构建过程, 并且二者起作用的空间尺度不同。   相似文献   
为溧阳市生物多样性的保护与利用提供依据,以溧阳市生物物种资源普查成果报告和溧阳天目湖森林公园植物资源调查报告为本底数据,采用综合指标体系评价方法对溧阳市生物多样性进行评价。结果表明:溧阳市生物多样性的综合评分为75分,其中物种多样性评分为35分,生态系统多样性评分为40分。溧阳市生物多样性评价结果等级为一般。  相似文献   
Riparian forests are classified as endangered ecosystems in general,particularly in sahelian countries like Burkina Faso because of human-induced alterations and civil engineering works.The modification of this important habitat is continuing,with little attention being paid to the ecological or human consequences of these changes.The objective of this study is to describe the variation of woody species diversity and dynamic in riparian forests on different type of watercourse banks along phytogeographical gradient in Burkina Faso.All woody species were systematically measured in 90 sample plots with sides of 50 m × 20 m.Density,dominance,frequency and species and family importance values were computed to characterize the species composition.Different diver-sity indices were calculated to examine the heterogeneity of riparian forests.A total of 196 species representing 139 genera and 51 families were recorded in the overall riparian forests.The species richness of individuals with dbh ≥ 5cm increased significantly from the North to the South along the phytogeographical gradient and varied significantly between the different types of riparian forests.Similarity in tree species composition between riparian forests was low,which indicates high beta diversity and reflects differences in habitat conditions and topography.The structural characteristics varied significantly along the phyto-geographical gradient and between the different types of riparian forests.The diameter class distribution of trees in all riparian forests showed a reverse "J" shaped curve except riparian forest of stream indicating vegetation dominated by juvenile individuals.Considering the ecological importance of riparian forest,there is a need to delineate and classify them along watercourses throughout the country.  相似文献   
通过对云南普洱地区不同恢复阶段(恢复15年、30年和原始林群落)季风常绿阔叶林群落内附生维管植物的调查,分析了不同恢复阶段附生维管植物的物种丰富度、多度、分布和相似性关系,并探讨附生维管植物与宿主的关系。结果表明:(1)在0.81 hm2的调查样地中,共发现附生维管植物3 116株(分属9科20属22种);(2)原始林中附生维管植物的物种丰富度(17种)要显著高于恢复30年(7种)和15年(5种)群落;(3)原始林与不同恢复阶段群落中附生维管植物的物种组成有显著不同,恢复15年群落中的附生植物主要由蕨类植物组成,兰科植物是原始林附生植物的主要物种组成,有些物种仅出现在原始林中,可以作为季风常绿阔叶林恢复程度的指示物种;(4)原始林附生维管植物的多度要显著高于恢复阶段;(5)3个群落类型中的附生维管植物在水平方向都为聚集分布,恢复15年群落主要分布在0~5 m,原始林中分布可达到20 m;(6)原始林中附生维管植物物种丰富度和多度与宿主的胸径之间存在显著正相关,而2个恢复阶段森林中不存在相关性。  相似文献   
2008年至今,课题组对陕西观音山自然保护区生物多样性进行了深入的调查,并结合相关文献,对该区生物多样性区系进行了初步研究,结果表明:观音山自然保护区有野生脊椎动物250种,昆虫954种,种子植物1 326种,蕨类植物92种,真菌183种.本区脊椎动物区系以东洋界成分占主导地位,并且种的地理成分复杂,是南北动物区系的过...  相似文献   
卫凡 《林业调查规划》2011,36(3):43-45,53
对铜壁关自然保护区盈江片区的生物多样性进行评价,结果认为,该保护区是我国纬度最北的热带雨林的一块宝地,生物多样性极为丰富,保护物种也非常丰富,生态保护价值和经济价值较高.目前保护区保护管理机构的层次和能力与保护对象不相协调,急待加强.藉此,对今后的自然保护工作提出了建议.  相似文献   
2009年在塔里木河下游从河岸500 m处开始不等间距设置12块标准地对胡杨林群落进行植物种类、高度、冠幅、株数、盖度等因子的调查,分析了水源的远近对胡杨林群落特征的影响。结果表明:离水源不同距离的胡杨林群落存在明显差异,随着离水源距离的增加土壤含水率及胡杨密度越来越低;近熟林和中龄林中胡杨的优势地位低于成熟林,中龄林的胡杨林群落稳定性高于成熟林和近熟林;成熟林和中龄林中,胡杨林群落的郁闭度、盖度等都随着离河床距离的增加而急剧降低。  相似文献   
基于CVM 的吉林省湿地生物多样性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
湿地生态系统作为全球生态系统的重要类型之一,在维持生物多样性方面发挥着举足轻重的作用。为了更好地保护湿地,笔者基于条件价值法(CVM)这一当前国际上比较成熟的生态系统价值评价方法,对吉林省湿地的生物多样性维持服务价值进行定量评价。研究采用实地调研和网络发放结合的方式进行支付意愿问卷调查,共发放支付卡式问卷500份,回收有效问卷491份。结果表明,吉林省湿地2012年人均支付意愿值为120.7元/a,根据全国和吉林省人口总数计算的吉林省湿地生物多样性维持服务价值分别为1005.1亿元和20.8亿元。受访者受教育的程度、收入水平和对湿地生物多样性的关心程度对支付意愿具有显著影响,与平均支付意愿值呈显著的正相关关系(P<0.05),而性别和年龄对受访者支付意愿没有显著影响。调查方式和距离远近也会对支付值有显著影响(P<0.0001)。为了保护好吉林省的湿地生物多样性,政府应该加大宣传力度,提高公众的环保意识。研究结果将使湿地保护和开发的价值对比成为可能,对于制定合理的区域生态保护和经济开发决策、保护和恢复湿地生态系统具有重要意义,为政府相关政策的制定提供理论基础。  相似文献   
Seven wild populations of Anemonecoronaria were assessed for 11 phenotypic traits, most of them having economic value for the flower industry. The wild populations were sampled to represent the diversity in habitats, climates, rock and soil types, terrains, and elevations in Israel. AFLP analysis was carried out on 12 individuals from each of six out of the seven wild populations and for six individuals from the commercial cultivar ‘Mona-Lisa’. It was found that the Dorot population, which is located in the area bordering the semi-arid zone at the very end of the species distribution, exhibits extreme and different phenotypes with relatively low variability compared withthe other wild populations. The other six wild populations, that grow in more favorable geographic and climatic conditions exhibit phenotypes with larger plants, larger numbers of flowers and less dissected leaves. These populations were less uniform than that of Dorot. Genetic characterization by AFLP markers revealed a total of 165 bands. The wild populations exhibit wide variation within-population, with about 80% polymorphic bands and average gene diversity between pairs of about 30%. The Dorot population has the lowest genetic variation and the Megido population the highest. Thus, the phenotypic variation reflects the genetic variation. The cultivar ‘Mona-Lisa’, as expected, has much lower genetic variation. The Dorot population and the ‘Mona-Lisa’ cultivar were found to have the largest genetic distances from the other wild populations, and the highest genetic variation between themselves. Phenetic analysis yielded a dendrogram describing the genetic relatedness of these populations. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
An in vitro growth system was used to determine the virulence of two samples of Striga gesnerioides from Zakpota in southern Benin. Cowpea variety B301, previously considered resistant to all races of S. gesnerioides, was susceptible to both samples of the parasite. Two other cowpea varieties, 58–57 and IT81D-994, were totally resistant. Resistance in 58–57 was associated with a hypersensitive necrosis of infected roots, whilst IT81D-994 supported production of small S. gesnerioides tubercles with stems which failed to develop. Striga gesnerioides from southern Benin is the fourth race of the parasite to be identified, and the first with virulence on variety B301. The implications for breeding cowpeas with resistance to S. gesnerioides are discussed.Abbreviations IITA International Institute of Tropical Agriculture - LARS Long Ashton Research Station - SAFGRAD Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development  相似文献   
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